Is It Possible That Young Girks Can't Have Babies

How far can female person fertility be extended?

The average age of women giving birth to their first child has increased dramatically since the 1960s (Credit: Press Association)

Modern medicine is already allowing women to take children far subsequently in life than their ancestors, only how far tin can female fertility actually be extended?

"It's one of nature's great inequities," says Dagan Wells, professor of reproductive medicine at the University of Oxford. He is referring to the progressive, and largely irreversible, pass up in female fertility from the age of 35 years onwards.

Men also feel a decline in their baby-making ability as they get older, only this autumn in fertility tends to beginning later and occur much more than slowly than in women. The fertility rate for men tends to begin falling around the historic period of 40-45 years old.

Simply when exactly does a adult female's fertility start declining? And when does that decline event in the end of natural fertility?

For millennia, women have been getting meaning and bearing children in their teens and early on 20s – not much different from the Krapina Neanderthals, living in Northern Republic of croatia 30,000 years ago, whose fossilised remains suggest gave birth to their first child at 15 years of age. Prior to the 1960s, women in the U.s.a. were having their first child on average at around the age of 21.

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In 2017, however, the average age of mothers giving birth in all OECD countries was 30. Just nether half (44%) of all live births in England and Wales in the same twelvemonth were to mothers aged xxx while the average age of women giving nascency to their first child in Republic of korea was 31.

Fertility treatments and the ability to freeze eggs has allowed more women to have children later than was possible in the past (Credit: Science Photo Library)

Fertility treatments and the ability to freeze eggs has allowed more women to accept children later than was possible in the past (Credit: Science Photo Library)

But what does this mean in the context of the ticking clock of female person fertility?

Numbers matter

For decades, scientists have associated the decline in female fertility with the age-related decrease in the number of eggs contained within a woman's ovaries. Each, if fertilised, has the potential to grow into a baby.

Unlike men, whose reproductive organs produce millions of fresh sperm on a daily basis, women are built-in with all the eggs that they will ever possess. Moreover, this number steadily declines as a woman ages: from one 1000000 eggs at nascence to 300,000 by puberty, 25,000 by the age of 37 and 1,000 by the age of 51. Of all these, yet, merely 300 to 400 eggs with babe-making-potential – normally only one a month – volition mature and eventually be released from a woman's ovaries through ovulation across her entire life. For reasons not nonetheless fully understood, the residuum undergo a natural process of degeneration and will never exist ovulated.

About girls begin menstruating between nine and 13 years of age, only their ovaries don't start releasing eggs until a least a twelvemonth or two later. Simple mathematics would advise a adult female's egg supply would then typically exhaust itself around 33 years later. And in most women, fertility does indeed tend to cease upward to viii years before the onset of menopause, which for American women is around the time of their 51st birthday.

While such rough calculations do not take the natural variability that tin can exist between women into business relationship, or the fourth dimension windows during which ovaries might release more than one egg in a calendar month, or months in which no egg is released at all, they can give a rough estimate of only how long the female person fertility timeline can be.

A more precise estimate of a adult female's egg count, also known as "ovarian reserve", can be obtained by measuring the level of hormone called anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in a adult female's blood. Nosotros at present know that AMH, produced by the ovaries of fertile, adult women, plays a vital part in the metamorphosis of an immature egg cell into a mature, hopeful egg, consummate with all the biological prerequisites to create a good for you baby. Better functioning ovaries, with larger egg stores, produce more AMH.  Levels of the hormone decline as the timeline of female fertility progresses – boilerplate levels in 30 to 35 year olds are roughly two-thirds that of younger women while levels in women anile over 45 years are a quarter of those seen in women in their 20s.

When they are born, women's ovaries already contain all the eggs they will ever produce (Credit: BBC)

When they are born, women's ovaries already contain all the eggs they volition ever produce (Credit: BBC)

Andrea Jurisicova, an embryologist at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Infirmary, has spent years studying the mechanisms that underpin the refuse in female fertility with age, and investigating what can be done to slow this. Her inquiry has found that ovarian reserve is genetically regulated just that a woman'due south life experiences – such equally stress, exposure to radiation or toxic chemicals and fifty-fifty those from when she herself was in the womb – decide egg numbers in afterwards life.

Quality matters

But female fertility isn't just well-nigh the quantity of eggs. Quality matters too, and is much more technically challenging to assess than egg numbers. While egg counts turn down every bit women historic period, and then does the quality of the chromosomes and the Deoxyribonucleic acid independent within each egg.

"Chromosomal abnormalities in homo eggs are extremely common," says Wells. "Information technology's non something that should be considered to exist a specially aberrant situation, and in most cases its something that all women, even young women, will have in their eggs at a low level but that level increases with advancing age."

For a woman in her 20s, a quarter of her eggs may be expected to have chromosomal abnormalities – this increases to up to 40% for a woman betwixt thirty and 35, and "goes up simply exponentially from there on". Beyond the age of 35, the frequency of these chromosomally abnormal eggs increases by 0.5% per month, so that for a adult female in her early 40s up to three-quarters of her eggs volition have chromosomal abnormalities.

Having chromosomal abnormalities in her eggs doesn't necessarily mean a woman is infertile, but they practice mean that more of her menstrual cycles will produce eggs that are less likely to produce a viable baby.

Chromosomes are bundles of tightly coiled Deoxyribonucleic acid that hold the genetic information needed for an organism to develop. A human egg contains 23 chromosomes – the half of your genetic code that comes from your mother – which needs to combine with the 23 chromosomes from your male parent's sperm to develop into a feasible embryo. An egg with too many or too few chromosomes, broken or damaged chromosomes will often fail to develop properly. In some cases a infant can all the same exist born with chromosomal abnormalities, every bit happens with Down'due south Syndrome.

But virtually chromosomal abnormalities tend to exist lethal to the extremely young embryo, resulting in the embryo failing to implant in the lining of the womb or a very early miscarriage, frequently between 5 and eight weeks of pregnancy.

While the risk of chromosomal abnormalities is known to exist higher in the eggs of older women, a recent European study plant that the level of chromosomal abnormalities is also loftier in younger women too – from xiii into their early 20s. The findings suggest that female fertility timeline follows a n-shaped pattern, with tiptop fertility observed in the mid-20s and lower levels of fertility both in very young and older women.

Older mothers may face greater risks during pregnancy, labour and delivery, but there are problems associated with older fathers too (Credit: Getty Images)

Older mothers may face greater risks during pregnancy, labour and delivery, but there are problems associated with older fathers too (Credit: Getty Images)

Elsewhere in the egg, faulty mitochondria – the tiny power stations that provide energy for our cells and which we all inherit from our mothers – can likewise be a problem in older women. Studies accept shown that up to half the eggs of women who are older than 35 carry mutations in their mitochondrial Dna, compared to a third of the eggs in younger women.

"An egg needs a threshold of virtually twoscore,000 mitochondrial DNA copies to make an embryo," says Jurisicova.

For Wells, the testify is articulate.

"The rate of decline accelerates around the age of 35 and the vast majority of women are essentially infertile by the time they reach 45," says Wells. "Chiefly, this is years, maybe even a decade, before menopause. Everyone expects to exist a little less fertile when you are older, just the extent of that pass up takes a lot of people past surprise."

Information technology would be incorrect to focus but on female person fertility. Some studies have shown that sperm quality also declines with age in men, starting in their 20s. Sperm mobility – the ability of it to swim around – has been found to decline by around 0.7% every year while the sperm of older men carry more mutations in their Dna. Older fathers as well pass on more than mutations to their children than mothers do from their eggs.

All-time egg

"The human egg is a remarkable and unusual cell, it'southward the biggest cell in the body, and has a unique feature," says Wells. He is referring to the egg'due south ability to stop halfway through its growth and remain in a country of suspended blitheness for years, even decades, until it is eventually ovulated. His research suggests that it is the egg's ability to hold its chromosomes in a stable configuration during this period of hibernation that governs its ability to make an embryo and a babe.

Jurisicova's work adds another piece to the puzzle. Her piece of work suggests that human eggs undergo a procedure of growth and maturation within the ovary for at to the lowest degree ix months before they are released during ovulation. "The quality of the egg released is the culmination of all the health and environmental influences on that growing egg over the past nine months," she says. Stress, exposure to radiation or toxic chemicals during this time can have an adverse effects on the developing egg.

Information technology is perhaps interesting that the duration of this incubation period – from when an egg emerges from hibernation and begins developing – uncannily resembles the number of months a infant spends within the womb earlier it is born. During this period of maturation, the egg develops the resources it volition need should it be fertilised.

"The egg has to be extremely well resourced," says Wells. "For the beginning three days following fertilisation the embryo doesn't really make anything for itself – it doesn't transcribe its genes, information technology doesn't make proteins – its completely reliant on what the egg has provided for information technology. A more than mature egg is more likely to exist ameliorate resourced than a less mature one."

While there may be petty that science tin can exercise to alter the number of eggs that nature (or genetics) decides a woman will take during her life, Wells and Jurisicova agree there are ways to improve, or rescue, egg quality. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, reducing stress and making sure that wellness issues such as hypothyroidism and other autoimmune weather are well controlled can all help.

The range of factors pitched against an egg being fertilised and developing into a foetus make childbirth seem all the more incredible (Credit: Science Photo Library)

The range of factors pitched against an egg existence fertilised and developing into a foetus make childbirth seem all the more incredible (Credit: Scientific discipline Photo Library)

Jurisicova recently found that giving female mice the antioxidant coenzyme Q10 delivers promising results – the mice that received the supplement produced better quality eggs with more properly aligned chromosomes and better mitochondrial function. They were also more successful in producing alive babies, than the mice that did not receive the supplements. The results are, however, notwithstanding to be replicated in humans.

The journey, non the destination

Mothers don't just need to contend with their fertility as they get older, but also greater risks during pregnancy, labour and delivery. The Beginning and 2nd Trimester Evaluation of Run a risk (Faster) trial, a US written report funded past the The states National Found of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), looked at the health records of over 36,000 women. They plant mothers over xl were two to 3 times more probable to experience wellness problems during pregnancy including diabetes and high blood force per unit area. They were twice equally likely to feel bleeding from their placentas, take a caesarean commitment and to lose their baby later on in pregnancy.

The children of older first-fourth dimension mothers who are xl years and above too have an increased risk of wellness problems at birth, such as low nascency weight and congenital abnormalities. They also have a l% increased risk of being born preterm and, perhaps consequently, are at increased run a risk of requiring neonatal intensive care after birth.

But this is still just one half of the equation. Older fathers likewise bring additional health risks for their children. Babies with older fathers are more likely to be built-in prematurely, have a lower birth weight and higher risk of seizures. Some studies have also linked increasing paternal age to a greater risk of weather condition such as autism and ADHD where the begetter is over the age of 40, just the evidence remains inconsistent.

Scientists are developing new techniques to identify the best eggs for use in IVF treatments (Credit: Science Photo Library)

Scientists are developing new techniques to identify the best eggs for use in IVF treatments (Credit: Science Photo Library)

Is it possible to extend female person fertility and for how long? Every bit is often the case, where nature creates inequity, scientific discipline attempts to level the playing field. In September last yr, Erramatti Mangamma, a 74-year-quondam from southern Republic of india become the globe's oldest first-time mother, delivering twin baby girls conceived via In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) afterward 57 years of infertility. Three years agone, 72-year-old Daljinder Kaur, from north Bharat, gave birth to a son after about v decades of matrimony and 2 unsuccessful IVF attempts.

The significant advances in reproductive medicine over the by decades take greatly increased the safety, success, accessibility and affordability of artificial reproductive techniques. Approximately 230 babies are born in the Uk each twelvemonth to women aged 50 and over while nine% of all beginning-time mothers in the US were aged higher up 35 in 2014.

Simply equally we have seen, these techniques are nonetheless limited to a caste past the age of the egg. This is, not to the lowest degree, because of the furnishings of ageing on the DNA, but too because older eggs have been exposed to ecology toxins for a longer amount of time. Information technology is possible, of form, for women to undergo IVF using a donated egg from a younger adult female. Well-nigh all fertility clinics across the world at present also offer women an selection to store their eggs, frozen in time, until she is set for them to exist thawed, fertilised and transplanted into her womb.

"The difficulties experienced with older women trying to have children is not related to the uterus merely to the egg, and chromosomal abnormalities are at the center of that," says Wells. "The egg is the seed rather than the soil. Many of the very early steps in man evolution are determined by what the egg provides."

With the help of technologies similar pre-implantation genetic testing, Wells and his young man embryologists are developing ways of identifying the best eggs that tin be used in IVF treatments. Other techniques such as mitochondrial replacement therapy are also helping mothers with defects in their eggs give nativity to salubrious children.

Just while scientific discipline is making laudable steps to help prolong the ticking clock of female fertility, it may not ever be possible to go along it going indefinitely. The pass up of natural female person fertility is as inevitable as it is universal.


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